Membership Benefits

NJFPA offers information on marketing and consumer trends, food safety strategies, technology innovations, a host of sales and marketing tips, and other topics featured on the website, at our annual conference, and in our electronic newsletters. 

  1. Company-level memberships mean development opportunities for everyone at one low price.
  2. Networking and educational events that give you the chance to build partnerships and land new deals.
  3. Connection to our member companies that can have the experience and resources for your challenges and tough issues.
  4. Reach out to individual members through our member directory.
  5. Members-only discounts on products and services including training discounts with NJFPA partners:
  6. A Job Board where members can post positions and resumes for free.
  7. Online educational and networking resources, including:
  8. Support *local* research initiatives like the NJ & NY Food Manufacturers Benchmarking Survey
  9. Discounted registration to signature events like NJFPA’s Annual Conference and Golf Outing.
  10. Give back with the NJFPA Scholarship Fund and Golf Outing Charity Recipient.
  11. Sponsorship opportunities to get your brand recognized.
  12. Shape the future of the food industry in New Jersey by volunteering with NJFPA.
  13. Hear more about the benefits of NJFPA from our members.

Membership is divided into two categories. In the food processors categorydues are $400 for large processors and $200 for small. In the associate member category, the dues are $500. Still have questions? email



Special Offers to NJFPA Members

Many of our members and sponsors have generously extended discounts and special offers. Have discounts or services you would like to share with your fellow NJFPA members? email

Offer Type Company Additional Details Contact
Dental Insurance

Delta Dental

 Enhance your benefits with the largest dental network in NJ.  Options incl.: employer all, some, or none of the premium.

Learn More

Bill McLaughlin
Smith Brothers Insurance

Equipment Installation Garton's Rigging

Introductory Discounts for NJFPA members


John McDaris

Office 856-691-0487

Pest Control

Hoffman's Exterminating Co.

10% off all services for NJFPA members
Learn More

(800) 615-3920

Professional and Executive Education at Rutgers (PEER) Rutgers School of Business

15% discount on many of the certificate and program offerings

Learn More

Jonathan Lane

Business Valuation Stony Hill Advisors

20% discount ($500 value) for a business valuation

Learn More

Stony Hill Advisors

Workers Compensation 

Sustain, an Inova Captive

Learn More Shawn Knechtel
Pest Control Western Pest Services

Complimentary Pest Evaluation

Learn More


Membership is divided into two categories. In the food processors categorydues are $400 for large processors and $200 for small. In the associate member category, the dues are $500. Still have questions? email