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Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey
The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey is a member-driven organization that advocates for economic prosperity by uniting business and community leaders. It is one of the largest business organizations in Southern New Jersey and extremely active! With programming from specific (Innovate South Jersey: Food Manufacturing) to general (Speed Networking, Meeting Policy Makers, HR Bootcamp) find resources to support your business.
See the full CCSNJ Event Calendar
City of Vineland COVID-19 Assistance Program
The City of Vineland has appropriated $290,000 of its federal Community Development Block Grant CARES Funds (CDBG-CV) for the Microenterprise COVID-19 Assistance Program. The program was established to provide working capital funds to the community’s small businesses that have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have received limited or no assistance from the SBA or other government programs. Grants are up to $5,000.
Learn more at
NJBIA Healthy Business Certification
The NJBIA Healthy Business Certification online course provides businesses with best practices to develop policies and procedures for a healthy and safe workplace, including pandemic response. It teaches the basics to identify, reduce, eliminate and report potential hazards at your workplace. At the completion of the course, attendees will submit a plan to be certified. With certification, businesses will earn a safety decal to display at their location of your business.
Learn more at
Garden State Relief Fund
The Garden State Relief Fund was launched to meet the immediate needs of small businesses and nonprofits critically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses are the heart of our communities and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are encountering unexpected challenges in a rapidly changing market. To address these rising concerns, the Garden State Relief Fund offers working capital loans to small businesses and nonprofits negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Relief Fund ensures that small businesses and nonprofits are provided with quick yet equitable and inclusive opportunities for relief, stability, and growth. To learn more about eligibility and loan terms, and to review the application, visit
Learn more at New Jersey Community Capital.
FDA and OSHA Host COVID-19 Webinar for Food Industry
The FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) held a webinar on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. During the webinar, subject matter experts highlighted key aspects of the FDA/OSHA Employee Health and Food Safety Checklist for Human Food Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, discussed the CDC testing strategy and its application, and provided an update on FDA inspections.
Watch the FDA & OSHA Webinar
The NJFPA is happy to post events and news of interest to our members as an opportunity to share professional development and networking opportunities throughout the state. Listing your event is free of charge. Submit through the events and news form.